The Dish On Dermal Fillers


As we age, many changes occur in the body. Our hair may turn gray, our bodies may slow down, and our skin takes on an older appearance. Where skin used to bounce back after being pinched or pulled, the skin may now take longer to return to its place. Cheeks may look hollowed or sunken, and our lips may seem deflated or 'feathered' around the edges, causing makeup to bleed into fine lines around the mouth. Even sun spots and deep and fine wrinkles can appear on the face as if out of nowhere.

Lotions and expensive creams can help stave off some of these signs of aging, but when it comes to anti-aging, a popular new gold standard is the use of dermal fillers. But what are dermal fillers? You likely have heard the term before, but may not know the details. Here's everything you need to know about dermal fillers - and if they're right for you.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are an injectable cosmetic product that is injected directly into the area of facial skin that you'd like more volume in. There are many brand names for dermal fillers, but they all work similarly, by plumping up the area they are applied to. From fuller lips and cheeks to wrinkle reduction, dermal fillers are versatile products that can leave you looking and feeling your best.

How Long Do They Last?

Because you are investing your hard-earned money in dermal fillers, it's natural to want to know how long they will last. Though it varies depending on individual products and your own individual face, fillers can last anywhere from months to years to permanently. One popular filler, hyaluronic acid lasts years while using your own body fat as a dermal filler can last much longer and even be permanent.

Do Fillers Hurt, and IsThere any Downtime?

Because fillers are injected, you may feel some initial discomfort when Dr. Mitchell injects the filler into your skin, however that pain is generally short-lived and should go away within a few hours or days. The filler itself should not hurt your face. As for downtime, fillers may require you to take the day off from strenuous activity like a workout, but you should be able to return to physical activities shortly thereafter. Otherwise, there is no downtime!

How Much Do They Cost?

To discuss the exact cost of dermal fillers, we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Mitchell, as each product and dosage of the product depends solely upon the individual. This makes it difficult to quote a price without seeing your individual face and determining what areas you would like treated.

What's The Next Step?

If you are interested in learning more about dermal fillers and how they can help you, contact Dr. Mitchell's office today and schedule a consultation. 

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