Fat Transfer to the Face
Fat transfer, also known as autologous fat grafting or fat injections, is a type of natural soft tissue filler. Fat transfer is an excellent means to treat the Deflation element of the 3 D’s of the aging face. Fat is used in virtually all facial areas including the lower eyelids, eyebrow, lips, cheeks or midface, nasolabial folds (smile lines or laugh lines) that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth. The fat is utilized to restore a youthful facial appearance, enhance the lips or to fill in lines and creases that develop as we age. Fat transfer has been used for decades. Advancement with this technique continues to progress. Most recently, the technique of Adipose Derived Stem Cell Fat Transfer has been born. This technique involves isolating your own adult stem cells from the harvested fat and then reinjection of these stem cells into the desired area. This treatment has greatly improved the fat’s survival and success of the procedure.
Fat transfer
Restore a youthful facial appearance, enhance the lips or to fill in lines and creases that develop as we age.
Using a patient’s own fat reserves, fat is gently removed from a predetermined body area like the abdomen, thighs or knees and skillfully transferred to another area, usually the face. Learn more with these FAQs below.
FAQs About Fat Transfer to the Face
See these before and after images to get an idea of the success other patients have found with Dr. Mitchell and his team.
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