Social Media Could Be Skewing Surgical Outcomes


Social media is arguably one of the best inventions to come out of the internet. It helps us stay connected with loved ones, it teaches us about the world beyond our front door, and it occupies our downtime and helps us relax. Unfortunately like most good things, social media has its downsides, including spurning a lot of jealousy and insecurity. Unfortunately, that insecurity can take its toll on your self-esteem and make even the happiest person feel down on themselves.

That's where plastic surgery steps in. But how realistic are the images you see on social media? From before-and-afters to influencers showing off their latest procedures, it can get overwhelming.

That's one of the reasons experts are recommending patients and would-be patients steer clear of social media for their surgery info. In addition to being inaccurate at times, it can be unrealistic, too. In fact, it can be downright dangerous. That's because many of the accounts posting before and after photos are med-spa type places, and may not be board-certified, or even skilled at the procedures they purport to offer.

So, what's the solution? While it's not a bad idea to check out the social media of your surgeon prior to selecting a surgeon, it's important to be realistic about the results. The best way to do that is to schedule a consultation with your surgeon and look at their before-and-after photos. In-person, your surgeon will have more recent and more accurate photos than social media with its filters and uncertainty about editing. You also know if you are seeing a board-certified surgeon, and can ask questions that your surgeon can actually answer.

So go ahead, check Instagram and Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat, and see what kind of procedure you might be interested in getting, but don't go solely on your surgeon's social media profile.

Dr. Mitchell offers consultations to anyone looking to undergo a procedure with him. This comprehensive appointment allows you the opportunity to view before-and-after photos, ask any questions you may have, and get a realistic idea of what your results will be.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Mitchell, please contact the office today! 

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