With borders to some countries beginning to reopen, tourism is starting to become a reality again. Coupled with the rising demand for plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures, medical tourism may soon increase as well. But while the allure of so-called lower costs on procedures may draw people to other countries for plastic surgery, here are some reasons why you should stay here in the United States for your own plastic surgery procedure.

It's Safer

Here in the United States, we have what is called "board certification," where your surgeon is licensed and registered with a professional medical board that ensures your surgeon is not just current on all licensing, but on all education as well. In fact, board-certified surgeons must take a minimum amount of courses throughout the year to remain current with their board certification.

In other countries where there aren't as strict of laws, some practitioners are not qualified to perform the surgeries they advertise and have caused serious harm to patients.

It's Actually More Affordable

While it may seem like there are big savings by going with discounted surgeries in foreign countries, plastic surgery can end up costing you more in the long run when completed abroad. That's because costs like airfare, room and board, and the very real potential for complications requiring medical visits upon your return home can really add up.

It's More Convenient

Need a follow-up exam? Want to change something about your procedure? Your local plastic surgeon can help, without you needing to find your passport and book an extended trip.

It's More Personalized

One of the many benefits of choosing Dr. Mitchell for your surgical procedure is the relationship you develop with him and his staff. We truly enjoy seeing our patients throughout their transformation journey and building trust with them. With a foreign procedure, you likely will not gain that same level of trust that comes with regular visits and compassionate care.

For more information, or for a consultation with Dr. Mitchell, please contact us. We look forward to helping you achieve the look you desire through plastic and cosmetic surgery.